Why YOU Matter

It is widely known that our species originated from the Khoisan people in Africa. The Khoisan, otherwise known as the ‘Bushman’ lived very simply off the desert land of Southern Africa. They lived in mud huts and herded cattle and sheep. When they hunted, they took only what they needed in order to feed the…

What Will Your Story Be?

It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll. I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul. Invictus By William Ernest Henley A Gifted Man In 2012 my father died of cancer at age 67.

Top 10 Health Benefits Of Juicing

Do you want to boost your immune system, lose weight or revitalise your unhappy body? Then juicing may be the thing for you. So what is juicing? Essentially, juicing is the process of extracting the juice from raw fruit and vegetables, pouring the delicious goodness into a glass with ice and giving your body the…

Why New Year Wishes Really Do Come True

Tonight I will rendez-vous with my precious family at my sister’s cottage down by the river and, after much merriment and laughter, we will begin our beautiful New Year’s tradition.

How To Find Your Natural Abundance

A Guest Post by Amy at www.Littlemindseeds.com Growing up in my family, money was a great cause of sadness and difficulty. Some of the first memories I have were arguments about money. Before the age of seven, your brain is a little sponge that absorbs just about anything. Because you haven’t got any experience yet,…

13 Stages From Suicidal To Joyful

On my recently posted “What Life Will You Choose For Yourself” on The Change Blog, I received a comment that asked me the specific steps I took from being suicidal to now feeling joyful. Indeed, you don’t go from rock bottom to living the life that you love in a day. It begins as a…

Why Is Creativity Important?

I have just watched a TED talk given by the eloquent, highly humorous Sir Ken Robinson on the topic ‘why is creativity important?’ and I wanted to share it with you.

What Do I Want – Find Your Answer Now!

You may be disappointed to hear that you will never find the answer to the BIG what do I want question. It isn’t a mysterious treasure chest, hidden obscurely away in a super confusing maze.

10 Simple Ways To Help Depression

When you are really, really down, you can’t take on the world. You may not even feel able to get out of bed, so I want to share 10 simple and manageable ways that I believe you can help your depression.