Overcome Fear and Anxiety – Reprogram Your Mind (While You Sleep)

Overcome Fear and Anxiety - Reprogram Your Mind (While You Sleep)
8hrs of empowering affirmations so you can TOTALLY overcome fear and anxiety and find the inner strength you need to get through anything.

Part of the ‘Reprogram Your Mind (While You Sleep)’ series, these warrior affirmations will calm anxiety, release fear and enable you to feel safe – giving you the MENTAL STRENGTH in your journey to overcoming adversity.

A mix of self confidence, strength and calming affirmations, this track will give you total anxiety relief, EMPOWER you and enable you to really trust the Universe – instilling a belief in you that ‘everything is always working out for me’.

Remember – you are safe, you are loved and all is well.

Available in both the ‘You Are’ and ‘I Am’ versions 😉

With love,

Jess ❤️


I am safe.

Everything is ok.

I am ok.

I am always loved, supported and guided.

I am greater than any fear.

I am the power in my world.

I am trusting.

It is safe to trust.

I am trusting life.

I am trusting that everything is happening perfectly.

I am trusting that everything is working out for my highest good and greatest joy.

I am cocooned in the loving energy of the Universe.

I am strong.

I can do this.

I am allowing.

I am allowing my highest good and greatest joy to unfold perfectly.

Whenever I feel afraid, I connect with my breath. I breathe in loving reassurance and I return to a place of trust.

I surrender to the process.

I surrender to a greater mind.

I can overcome any obstacle that comes my way.

I am powerful.

I am choosing how I experience my life.

I am choosing to feel safe.

I am choosing to feel loved.

I am choosing to feel supported.

I am choosing to feel protected.

I am choosing to feel positive.

I am choosing to feel optimistic.

I am choosing to feel calm.

I am choosing to feel confident.

Life loves and supports me.

Everything in the Universe is conspiring to help me.

I live in a kind, loving, supportive world.

I am released of all fear and anxiety.

I am returned to my original state of peace.

I am healed.

I am renewed.

I know that everything will be ok.

I am always divinely protected.

Whenever I need to, I ground myself and connect with the formidable strength and courage deep within me.

I love and accept myself.

I create peace in my mind and heart.

No matter where I am, or who I am with, I am always safe and loved.

All is well in my world.

Right at my centre, I have a calm inner knowing that I am ok and I will always be ok.

I am brave.

I am calm.

I am comforted.

I am balanced.

I am at peace.

I have everything I need within me.

I have courage within me.

I have strength within me.

I have self belief within me.

I have security within me.

I have reassurance within me.

I have complete self love within me.

I have complete self acceptance within me.

I have kindness within me.

I have wisdom within me.

I have positivity within me.

I have power within me.

I know that whatever I think creates my reality. I therefore choose to think positive thoughts about myself and my world.

I see every obstacle as a new opportunity to become more of who I truly am.

I am flexible and flowing.

I am aware that I have within me divine intelligence. I am choosing to connect with that intelligence. I am listening to what it tells me and I am heeding its advice.

I am capable.

I can do anything I put my mind to.

I have all the power in the Universe within me.

Everything is working out in my favour.

I am living from a place of complete trust.

I am aligned and in the flow.

My future is bright and joyous and secure.

I have everything I need to succeed.

I am enough.

I am worthy.

I am worthy of my good.

I allow all my good to come to me now.

I am blessed.

I am grateful.

Thank you.

Thank you for the way my highest good and greatest joy is unfolding for me.

Thank you for my trust.

Thank you for my surrender.

Thank you for my strength.

Thank you for my courage.

Thank you for my peace.

Thank you for my calm.

Thank you for my power.

Thank you for all the good that is coming into my life.

Thank you for my loving, safe, supportive world.

Thank you.


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Hello, I’m Jessica.

I help people to follow their passion and joy. I created this website to inspire people to live the life that they deserve.

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