Self Forgiveness / Forgive Yourself – Reprogram Your Mind (While You Sleep)

Self Forgiveness / Forgive Yourself - Reprogram Your Mind (While You Sleep)
8hrs of self forgiveness affirmations so you can forgive yourself and be free!

In this Self Forgiveness Reprogram Your Mind track, you will RELEASE all your guilt and shame and let go of the past and move forward – free of the self blame, self hate and self criticism that has held you back.

IT IS TIME to forgive yourself for past mistakes now! Allow these healing affirmations to release negative energy that has kept you trapped, allowing the perfect process of forgiving yourself to unfold and make huge positive changes in your life.

With love,

Jess ❤️


I am loving myself now.

I am forgiving myself now.

It is safe to love myself.

It is safe to forgive myself.

I am loving myself unconditionally.

I am loving myself unconditionally as I accept responsibility for any mistakes I have made.

I am loving myself unconditionally as I see where I can learn and grow.

I am loving myself unconditionally as I make positive changes.

I am loving myself unconditionally as I forgive myself.

I am forgiving myself and I am releasing all toxic emotions.

It is safe for me to release the guilt.
I am released of the guilt.

It is safe for me to release the self hatred.

I am released of the self hatred.

It is safe for me to release the self criticism.

I am released of the self criticism.

It is safe for me to release the embarrassment.

I am released of the embarrassment.

It is safe for me to release the shame.

I am released of the shame.

It is safe for me to release the regret.

I am released of the regret.

I am released of all toxicity completely and entirely NOW.

I am free.

I am free of the past.

I am living in the present moment.

I am forgiven.

I am loved.

I am loving myself, no matter what.

I am aware that, even though I make mistakes I am still completely lovable.

I am aware that, even my so called ‘imperfections’ are lovable.

It is ok to be so called ‘imperfect’.

It is ok to make mistakes.

It is ok to get things wrong.

It is safe to accept responsibility for my actions.

It is safe to see where I can learn and grow.

I am lovable no matter what.

I am lovable in my entirety, right down to the very depths of my core.

I deserve to learn and grow.

I deserve to be forgiven.

I deserve to let go.

I deserve to move on.

I deserve to love myself unconditionally.

I deserve love no matter what.

I am enough.

I am worthy of love.

I am worthy of forgiveness.

I am a good person.

I am loving and supporting myself as I build the future I want for myself.

I am learning and growing.

I am healing.

I am encouraging myself as I make any changes within myself and my outer world that I would like to make.

Every day, I am loving myself.

I am praising myself.

I am believing in myself.

I am believing in my goodness.

I am seeing that I am worthy of my happiness.

I am worthy of my abundance.

I am worthy of my peace.

I am treating myself with love.

I am treating myself with kindness.

I am treating myself with compassion.

I am treating myself with patience.

I am treating myself with understanding.

I am treating myself positively.

I am nurturing myself.

I am supporting myself.

I am seeing that the past has no power over me.

I am seeing that, no matter what has happened in the past, I am the creator of my future.

I am choosing positivity.

I am choosing to learn and grow.

I am choosing to love myself unconditionally.

I am choosing to make my life abundant.

I am choosing to forgive myself.

I am choosing to be free.

I am choosing to be happy.

I am choosing to see my specialness.

I am choosing to be all that I can be.

I am choosing to make my life miraculous.

I am choosing peace.

I am self reflecting in a kind, loving way.

I am implementing positive changes within myself in a kind, loving way.

I am implementing positive changes within my external world in a kind, loving way.

I am being loving with myself at all times.

Every day, I speak to myself lovingly.

Every day, I treat myself lovingly.

Every day, I validate myself.

I am doing my best.

I am proud of myself.

I am a beautiful soul.

I am good.

I am precious.

I am special.

I am lovable just the way I am.

I am acceptable just the way I am.

I am enough.

I am forgiven completely and entirely NOW.

I am free.

I am happy.

I am loved.

I am grateful.

Thank you.

Thank you for my forgiveness.

Thank you for my freedom.

Thank you for my mistakes – for they are just opportunities for me to learn and grow.

Thank you for my self acceptance.

Thank you for my self worth.

Thank you for my self compassion.

Thank you for my ability to make positive changes.

Thank you for my ability to create a positive present and future for myself.

Thank you for my wonderful world.

Thank you for my wonderful life.

Thank you for me.

Thank you for my happiness.

Thank you for my unconditional self love.

Thank you for my goodness.

Thank you.


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I help people to follow their passion and joy. I created this website to inspire people to live the life that they deserve.

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