Part of the ‘Reprogram Your Mind (While You Sleep)’ series, these powerful I AM affirmations will heal all unresolved trauma and allow miraculous transformation to take place within yourself, and consequently within your world.
YOU DESERVE to heal entirely from all traumas you have suffered, completely release them from your body, mind and spirit – and to go on to live a truly ABUNDANT, HAPPY LIFE. Listen to this track as much as you need to, and YOU SHALL!
Enjoy and please let me know how you find these trauma healing affirmations in the comments below!
With love,
Jess ❤️️
I am safe.
I am in this present moment and all is well.
I am surrounded by love.
I am cocooned in the loving energy of the Universe.
I am letting go and calming, knowing that it is completely safe to do so.
I am supported.
I am secure.
I am willing to believe in my ability to create healing and happiness.
I am allowing myself to believe I deserve to heal.
I am choosing to heal.
I am allowing myself the time and space for my soul to heal.
I am allowing my body to become an environment for health and healing.
I am coming from a place of non-judgement as I accept my various emotions.
I am gentle with myself through the healing process.
I am allowing myself to ask for help.
I am allowing myself to talk about my experiences and feelings and I am taking care of myself through that process.
I am allowing myself to see that that was then and this is now – I am living in the present and I determine my future.
I am allowing myself to see that it is ok to not be ok sometimes, that healing is not linear.
I am allowing myself to believe that the world is safe.
I am allowing myself to believe that it is safe to trust.
I am allowing myself to believe that it was not my fault.
I am allowing myself to believe that I matter.
I am allowing myself to believe that I am enough.
I am allowing myself to believe that I am not fundamentally flawed or damaged. I finally accept the truth that I am perfect, whole, complete and fundamentally loveable exactly as I am.
I am allowing myself to believe that I deserve to exist, that I am a very special gift to this world.
I am allowing myself to believe that I deserve to be loved and treated well.
I am allowing myself to believe that I deserve a wonderful, happy life.
It is time to heal and I choose to be in alignment with my body and spirit’s way of doing that.
I am finding the best modes of healing for me at this time.
I am ready for healing now.
I am connecting to the infinite energy stream of the Universe now and I am allowing myself to receive all of the healing that I need.
I am allowing all physical trauma to be released from my body and being now.
I am allowing all emotional trauma to be released from my body and being now.
I am allowing all mental trauma to be released from my body and being now.
I am allowing every cell in my body, mind and energy system to be completely healed now.
I am connecting with pure life force energy and I am allowing healing light to fill my body now.
I am allowing my entire energy system to be rebalanced and cleansed.
I am now free of all disruptions and blockages that occurred through trauma or stress, and a harmonious flow of energy across my whole system has been restored.
I am healed.
I am renewed.
I am revitalised.
I am free.
I am free to live a wonderful life, knowing that I am safe, I am loved and that I am perfect, whole and complete.
I am aware that every experience in my life is an opportunity for growth.
I am ready to forgive.
I am giving myself the gift of forgiveness.
I am forgiving now.
I am freeing myself from the prison of resentment.
I am forgiving all those in my past for their wrongdoings.
I am forgiving all painful past experiences.
I am forgiving myself.
I am forgiving and totally releasing the past, and I am free.
As I breathe in now, I feel a huge weight has been lifted. I feel light, full of love and free.
I am enjoying this wonderful feeling now.
I am deserving of the best life has to offer.
I am gentle with myself as I cultivate new thoughts and watch my life change and grow.
It is safe for me to feel happy.
It is safe for me to be me.
It is safe for me to feel comfortable in my body.
It is safe for me to love and to be loved.
It is safe for me to want and to be wanted.
It is safe for me to be at peace.
It is safe for me to express myself.
It is safe for me to make mistakes.
It is safe for me to be present and live in the moment.
I am aware that whatever I think and feel creates my reality. I am therefore choosing to think healthy, positive thoughts about my body, my being and my world.
I am in control of my life.
I am secure.
I am safe.
I am whole.
I am fully integrated.
I am centred and grounded.
I am calm and connected.
I am peaceful and empowered.
I am strong and courageous.
I am kind and gentle.
I am joyful.
I am creating a secure, fulfilling, joyful life for myself.
I am validating myself on a daily basis.
I am treating myself with love and kindness.
I am speaking words of love to myself.
I am looking after myself.
I am taking full responsibility for my life.
I am being mindful and aware of my feelings and thoughts.
I am giving myself what I need.
I am healthily parenting myself.
I am healthily regulating and soothing my emotions.
I am honouring myself.
I am respecting myself.
I am valuing and honoring my boundaries.
I am engaging in healthy, positive relationships with others.
I am loving and nurturing myself.
I am aware that I am enough.
I am allowing myself to make mistakes.
I am encouraging myself.
I am praising myself.
I am discovering myself.
I am allowing my authentic self to blossom.
I am giving myself unconditional love.
My complete sense of well-being permeates every inch of my body and spirit with infinite love on a daily basis and I am renewed.
I am living fully aware that I have everything I need within me.
I have complete, unconditional love within me.
I have a protector within me.
I have strength within me.
I have security within me.
I have peace within me.
I have reassurance within me.
I have kindness within me.
I have compassion within me.
I have wisdom within me.
I have happiness within me.
I have wellbeing within me.
I have worthiness within me.
On a daily basis, I am breathing in deeply, knowing that I am a powerful soul, with a capacity to completely heal, renew and create a magical life for myself – and I am!
I am trusting myself.
I am trusting my feelings.
I am trusting my intuition.
I am trusting myself to always be responsible for my life.
I am trusting myself to always protect myself.
I am trusting myself to always put down healthy boundaries for myself.
I am trusting myself to always respect and honour myself.
I am trusting myself to always look after myself.
I am trusting myself to always regulate and soothe my emotions.
I am trusting myself to always nurture and love myself with kindness.
I am trusting myself to always be gentle, patient and compassionate with myself.
I am trusting myself to always listen to my inner wisdom and to guide myself.
I am trusting myself to always encourage, support and praise myself.
I am trusting myself to always love myself unconditionally.
I am trusting myself and I deserve to be given this trust because I am 100% there for myself and I always will be.
I am taking the time to breathe deeply and to count my blessings. Gratitude is woven throughout the tapestry of my life.
I am grateful.
I am grateful for my ability to forgive.
I am grateful for my teachers.
I am grateful for my lessons.
I am grateful for my ability to let go.
I am grateful for my ability to heal.
I am grateful for my ability to create a healthy, deeply loving, peaceful inner world.
I am grateful for my ability to create an abundant life which brings me joy in every area.
I am really loving and appreciating myself.
I am sending love and gratitude to every cell of my body and every part of my spirit now.
Thank you.