Stop Panic Attacks For Good – Heal Panic Disorder (While You Sleep)

Heal Panic Disorder
Near 8hrs of panic attack relief affirmations to stop panic attacks occurring in your life once and for all!

Part of the ‘Reprogram Your Mind (While You Sleep)’ series, these powerful affirmations will support you in healing panic disorder and rewiring your mind so you never have to experience another anxiety attack again.

Listen to this track while you sleep and you will live free from panic attacks forever – allowing you to live the life of abundance you deserve!

With love,

Jess ❤️


Everything is ok.

I am ok.

I am safe.

All is well.

It is safe to be present.

Every day, I am becoming more and more aware of my breath.

I am breathing in deeply.

I am exhaling fully.

Every day, I am becoming more and more aware of the power of my breath.

I am becoming aware of the power my breath has to create calm within me.

As I breathe in, I inhale calm.

As I breathe out, I let go of anxiety.

Every day, I am using my breath to connect with the peace within me.

I am connecting with the harmony within me.

I am connecting with the confidence within me.

I am using my breath to release worry.

I am using my breath to release fear.

I am using my breath to return to my natural state of serenity.

The more I connect with my breath, the safer I feel.

The more I connect with my breath, the calmer I feel.

The more I connect with my breath, the more assured I feel.

I am now ready to release old patterns of thought and behaviour that no longer serve me.

I am ready to release.

Anxiety is NOW part of my past.

I am completely released of panic.

I am completely released of fear.

I am completely released of doubt.

I am completely released of worry.

I am completely released of stress.

I am now at peace with myself.

My heart is calm.

My breathing is calm.

My mind is calm.

My body is calm.

My thoughts are calm.

I am aware that:

I am completely safe.

I am secure.

I am protected.

I am in control.

I am always loved.

I am always taken care of.

I am always supported.

It is safe to trust this moment.

It is safe to trust myself.

It is safe to trust the world.

It is safe to trust.

It is safe to let go.

It is safe to relax.

It is safe to be at peace.

I am there for myself.

I am supporting myself.

I am reassuring myself.

I am looking after myself.

I am loving myself.

I am soothing myself.

I am comforting myself.

I am taking care of myself.

I am balancing myself.

I am being kind to myself.

I am being compassionate with myself.

I am believing in myself.

I am aware that I have everything I need within me.

I have everything I need to face any obstacles that may come.

I have me.

I have love within me.

I have strength within me.

I have a protector within me.

I have confidence within me.

I have courage with me.

I have wisdom within me.

I have wellbeing within me.

I am allowing myself to connect with the power within me.

I am feeling strong.

I am feeling solid.

I am feeling in control.

I am feeling self-assured.

I am feeling self-reliant.

I am feeling bold.

I am feeling fearless.

I am feeling powerful in my peace.

I am feeling relaxed.

I am feeling secure.

I am feeling safe.

I am feeling loved.

I am feeling cared for.

I am feeling good enough.

I am feeling worthy.

I am feeling like I can be me.

I am feeling tranquil.

I am feeling harmonious.

I am feeling positive.

I am feeling optimistic.

I am feeling excited about life.

I am feeling free.

I am feeling empowered.

I am feeling full of unlimited potential.

I am feeling happy.

I am feeling ready for life.

I am feeling that life is my oyster.

As I allow these feelings to reverberate throughout my whole being, I realise just how powerful I am.

Calm confidence is my foundation.

Calm confidence is in every fibre of my being.

Calm confidence is me.

I am happy.

I am joyful.

I am abundant.

I am reborn.

I am renewed.

I am shining.

I am shining with power and peace.

I am grateful.

Thank you.

Thank you for my breath.

Thank you for the miracle of calm found in my breath.

Thank you for my freedom from old thought patterns and behaviour.

Thank you for my calm.

Thank you for my peace.

Thank you for my serenity.

Thank you for my confidence.

Thank you for the incredible power within me.

Thank you for the abundant life I now live.

Thank you.


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I help people to follow their passion and joy. I created this website to inspire people to live the life that they deserve.

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