The 4th in the ‘Reprogram Your Mind (While You Sleep)’ series, this (near) 8hr track will reprogram your mind so that you remain connected with your Higher Self and live to your FULL potential in life.
These high-vibration affirmations will automatically reprogram your mind while you sleep, ensuring you live the life of abundance you deserve.
With love,
Jess ❤️️
I am here now.
I am present now.
I am in this present moment.
I let go.
I surrender to the peace and perfection of this moment.
It is safe for me to let go.
I trust myself.
I trust life.
I am aware of the space around me.
I am connected now.
I am energy now.
I am infinite.
I am a unique spark of the divine.
I am a part of all existence: the stars and the sun and the moon. The trees and the birds and the earth. The rivers and the mountains and the oceans. I am a part of all life.
I am love.
I am a miracle.
I am a masterpiece.
I am still.
I am peaceful.
I am blissful.
I am integrated.
I am in harmony with all that is.
I am perfect.
I am whole.
I am complete.
I am expansive.
I am sublime.
When I connect to my breath, I transcend my busy thoughts and tap in an infinite expanse of peace, wisdom and love.
I know that everything I need is right here in this present moment.
I have everything I need within me.
I am in alignment.
I am in alignment with Perfect Health.
I am in alignment with Unconditional Love.
I am in alignment with Kindness.
I am in alignment with Compassion.
I am in alignment with Forgiveness.
I am in alignment with Peace.
I am in alignment with Freedom.
I am in alignment with Trust.
I am in alignment with Allowing.
I am in alignment with Balance.
I am in alignment with Wisdom.
I am in alignment with Joy.
I am in alignment with Wonderment.
I am in alignment with Playfulness.
I am in alignment with Success.
I am in alignment with Abundance.
I am in alignment with Harmony in my relationships – both with others and myself.
I am in alignment with My authenticity.
I am in alignment with My centre.
I am in alignment with My higher self.
I am in alignment with My purpose.
I am in alignment with My intentions.
I am in alignment with My good.
I am in alignment with The all knowing, all loving, all powerful energy of the Universe.
I find time for myself.
I allow myself to slow down.
I give myself the gift of silence.
I give myself the gift of connecting to my breath.
As I connect to my breath, I align with my true self and my true state of being – one of deep harmony and love.
I see my magnificence.
I am a powerful creator.
I am a vibration.
I am transmitting frequencies.
I am choosing the frequencies I transmit.
I know that whatever frequency I sent out, returns to me multiplied.
I choose to emit a frequency of love, success, prosperity, peace and joy.
As I breathe in, I inhale the miraculous energy of the Universe and I am renewed.
I am mindful.
I am eternal.
I am connected to all that is.
I am a beloved child of the Universe.
I am divinely protected.
I am divinely guided.
I am good.
I am cocooned in the loving energy of the Universe.
I am safe.
It is safe for me to completely relax and let go.
It is safe for me to be still.
It is safe for me to be at peace.
It is safe for me to be me.
It is safe and all is well.
I am always connected.
I am always guided.
I am always supported.
I am always safe.
I am always loved.
Life loves and supports me.
I love being alive.
All is well in my world.
Whenever I need to, I am able to take a break in my mind. I am able to close my eyes and breathe deeply, filling myself up again with life force energy.
I act in accordance with my higher self.
I am continually aligned with my higher purpose.
I am allowing the creative power of the Universe to flow through me.
I am fulfilling my soul’s purpose.
I am shining my unique light in the world.
I am in loving service of others.
As I quiet my mind, I allow my soul to speak.
I am at peace with doing nothing.
I am at peace with slowing down.
I am at peace with my stillness.
I am at peace with the present moment. It is a place of unconditional love and acceptance.
I am living in the present moment now.
As I release the past, I find the infinite potential in the present moment and I fall in love with the life I am creating and person I am becoming.
I love myself now.
I love life now.
I am growing and expanding.
I am open and receptive.
I am allowing.
I am vibrating at a high frequency.
I am in the flow.
I am flowing….
I am flowing with energy.
I am flowing with infinite consciousness
I am flowing power.
I am flowing potential.
I am flowing purpose.
I am flowing love.
I am boundless.
I am abundant.
I am special.
I am one of a kind.
I am a gift.
I am limitless.
I am pure.
I am free.
I am seeing the God within me.
I am divine.
I am grateful.
Thank you.
Thank you for this moment.
Thank you for my breath.
Thank you for the air I breathe.
Thank you for my ability to connect to the infinity of life.
Thank you for my inner sanctuary of peace.
Thank you for my ability to transcend all fears and notions of limitation or lack.
Thank you for my ability to know my profound beauty.
Thank you for my ability to know my innate perfection.
Thank you for my ability to create a life I love.
Thank you for my freedom.
Thank you for the gift of life.
Thank you.