Part of the ‘Reprogram Your Mind (While You Sleep)‘ series, these self love affirmations will reprogram your subconscious mind so that you see the beauty that you are and grow huge self esteem and self worth.
These self confidence affirmations will erase all toxic beliefs that you need to be something other than you are in order to be deemed beautiful. It is time for you to realise that you are perfect exactly as you are. YOU ARE ENOUGH.
You REALLY ARE beautiful just the way you are.
With love,
Jess ❤️
Note: The below is in the ‘You Are’ format. The script is exactly the same in the I Am, simply substituting the ‘You Are’ for ‘I Am’.
You are releasing all negative thoughts about yourself NOW.
You are allowing yourself to think positive thoughts about yourself NOW.
You are beautiful.
You are perfect exactly as you are.
You are enough.
You are a soul in a human body. You chose your body. It is the best body you could have for your learning experience here on Earth.
Everything about what makes you YOU is beautiful.
You are radiant.
Your energy glows with beauty.
The more you love yourself, the more beautiful you become.
You are worthy of complete self-love.
You are worthy of complete self-acceptance.
Your self-love makes you powerfully attractive.
You deserve to be confident in who you are.
You deserve to be confident in how you look.
Your confidence is your sexiest asset.
It is safe to be confident.
The more confident you become, the more amazing you feel about yourself.
Your opinion of yourself is the only one that truly matters.
You are choosing to love yourself.
You are choosing to love how you look.
You are loveable, no matter what.
You are beautiful just the way you are.
Even your so-called imperfections are loveable.
Even though you have some so-called imperfections, you are still absolutely gorgeous.
Your so-called imperfections are part of what makes you beautiful.
You can celebrate every aspect of how you look.
You deserve to feel good about yourself.
You have an attractive mind, body and spirit.
You are beautiful in all ways.
Add: It is safe for you to be beautiful.
It is safe for you to physically blossom into your healthiest, happiest looks.
You can allow your beauty to shine.
You deserve to be as beautiful as you can be.
You are allowing yourself to step into your full glory NOW.
You are looking after your body and investing in its wellbeing.
You are taking the time to love and groom yourself.
You are dressing in clothes that make you feel gorgeous.
You are nourishing your body with plenty of water and fresh, natural foods.
You are nourishing your body with movement and exercise.
You are nourishing your body with sunshine and fresh air.
You are thinking and acting in ways that make you feel beautiful every day.
You are taking care of yourself.
You are making time for rest and peace.
You are sleeping deeply and peacefully.
You are laughing and having fun.
You are doing the things that make you happy and feel good in life.
You are feeling comfortable in your own skin.
You are nourishing your body with positive, healthy thoughts.
You are respecting yourself.
You are praising yourself.
You are loving yourself.
You are validating yourself on a daily basis.
You are seeing yourself as the beautiful being that you are.
You are enjoying your growing confidence.
You are feeling good about yourself.
You are refusing to compare yourself to others – you are allowing yourself to shine your own magnificence.
You are enriching yourself with positive self-talk.
You are taking the time to look in the mirror every day to positively affirm what you see.
You are identifying more and more beautiful aspects of your physique.
You are identifying more and more beautiful aspects of your personality.
You are realising true beauty that you are.
You are loving the process of falling in love with yourself.
The more you celebrate the gift of your physical body, the more it responds with health, energy and beauty.
You are aware that beauty comes in many forms.
You are aware that you don’t need to fit into a stereotype to be beautiful.
You are aware that you don’t need to fit into a false idea of ‘perfection’ to be beautiful.
You are aware of the toxicity of this idea of false ‘perfection’ and you refuse to allow it into your mind and your experience.
You are aware that you just need to be you, and that is beautiful.
You are loving yourself.
You are a strong individual who shines a beacon of self-confidence and celebrates yourself for who you are and how you look.
You are irresistible in your confidence.
You are accepting compliments easily because you know you deserve them.
You are loving the looks you have.
You are confident.
You are incredibly attractive.
You rock what you’ve got.
You are charming.
You are captivating.
You are dazzling.
You are alluring.
You are magnetising.
You are inspiring.
You are beautiful.
You are grateful.
You are finding so many reasons to be grateful for the looks you have.
You are finding so many reasons to be grateful for the body you have.
You are finding so many reasons to be grateful for the person you are.
You are being fed by this gratitude and your body and spirit is blooming with more and more beauty.
You are gorgeous.
You are attractive.
You are magnificent.
You are desirable.
You are empowered.
Your looks are unique and that is what makes them so special.
You are one of a kind.
You are a gift.
You are to be celebrated.
You are a spiritual being having a human experience.
You are infinite.
You are divine.
You are worthy of so much love.
You are worthy of so much appreciation.
You are worthy of joy in this lifetime.
You are worthy of feeling complete inner peace and satisfaction in this lifetime.
You are therefore giving yourself the gift of total self-acceptance and self-love.
You are free.
You are flourishing.
You are being ALL of who you are.
You are happy.
Thank you.
Thank you for this physical experience in this lifetime.
Thank you for the joy of celebrating all aspects of this physical experience.
Thank you for your beauty.
Thank you.