Part of the ‘Reprogram Your Mind (While You Sleep)’ series, these manifest affirmations will SUPERCHARGE your power to manifest anything you desire.
Listening to this track is one of the most powerful manifestation techniques you can use – it reprograms your subconscious mind to automatically manifest all the goals you have set and attract abundance in all forms to you.
Listen as much as you can and you will manifest while you sleep and powerfully bring the manifestation of SO MANY GIFTS (both expected and unexpected) into your life.
With love,
Jess ️
I am connecting with the energy of abundance now.
I am connecting with the abundance around me.
I am connecting with the abundance within me.
I am connecting with the infinity of abundance available to me at all times.
I am transcending all limitations.
I am becoming expansive.
I am allowing myself to be the infinitely abundant being that I am now.
I am allowing my full potential to be realised now.
I am accepting and allowing infinite abundance to be mine now.
I am accepting that I am limitless.
I am accepting my power as the creator of my reality.
I am expanding my consciousness.
I am aware of my extraordinary potential.
I am allowing miracles into my life NOW.
I am seeing miracles occur now in every area of my life.
Miracles are manifesting for me in expected and unexpected ways.
The miracles I manifest bring huge joy, love and abundance into my life.
I am feeling so blessed by the multitude of miracles manifesting in my life.
I am excited.
I am rejoicing.
I am elated.
I am ecstatic.
I am filled with love.
I am filled with gratitude.
I am filled with appreciation.
I am filled with a sense of completeness.
I am filled with a sense of contentment and calm.
I am receiving everything I want.
My life is being showered with a magical collection of miracles.
I am accepting my miracles.
I am celebrating my miracles.
I deserve my miracles.
I deserve my good.
I deserve my happiness.
I deserve love.
I deserve my abundance.
The multitude of miracles appearing in my life are in alignment with my highest good and greatest joy.
I am trusting the miracles occurring in my life.
I am aware that the supply of miracles is endless.
I am aware that more and more miracles will continue to manifest for me.
I am realising my infinite power to manifest miracles.
I am feeling abundant every day.
I am feeling joyful every day.
I am feeling grateful every day.
Every day, I become more and more abundant and happy.
Every day, I see more blessings appear in my life.
I am allowing myself to dream.
I am allowing myself to make many wishes.
I am allowing myself to set all the goals I could ever desire.
I am allowing myself to dream BIG.
I am aware of the endless supply of abundance available to me.
I am allowing this endless supply of abundance to pour into my life now.
I am standing in the rainbow of abundance as it beams down on me in its myriad of different colours.
I am becoming extraordinarily abundant.
I am using my vast power as the creator of my reality and I am manifesting all of my dreams.
I am manifesting incredible wealth.
I am manifesting huge success.
I am manifesting all the luxuries I could ever want.
I am manifesting my dream home.
I am manifesting perfect health.
I am manifesting complete well being.
I am manifesting unconditional self love.
I am manifesting wonderful relationships of all types.
I am manifesting harmony.
I am manifesting happiness.
I am manifesting inner peace.
I am manifesting the fulfillment of my life’s purpose.
I am manifesting alignment with my higher self and a connection to all that is.
I am manifesting wonderful, happy experiences.
I am manifesting all my dreams.
I am aware that I can have everything I want.
I am aware that I can do everything that I want.
I am aware that I can be everything I want.
As my abundance grows, I realise that I ALREADY AM and ALREADY HAVE ALL I seek.
I am aware that I already have enough.
I am aware that I already am enough.
I am enough.
I am aware that knowing that I already am and have all I seek makes me a miracle magnet.
I am filled with gratitude.
I am so grateful for who I am.
I am so grateful for what I have.
I am abundant.
I am limitless.
I am vibrating at the frequency of pure abundance.
Whenever I ask for a miracle, it manifests.
I am a powerful miracle manifestor.
I am worthy of miracles.
I am worthy of joy.
I am worthy of success.
I am worthy of happiness.
I am worthy of contentment.
I am worthy of peace.
I am worthy of love.
Whatever I think and feel, I attract.
I am choosing thoughts and feelings of love, kindness, joy and peace.
I am choosing to see the miracles all around me.
I am choosing to see the miracle of life.
I am choosing to see the miracle that I am.
I am manifesting miracles in every moment.
I am a miracle magnet.
I am seeing every blessing around me.
I am blessed.
I am grateful.
Thank you.
Thank you for my abundance.
Thank you for my blessings.
Thank you for my ability to manifest all of my desires.
Thank you for my unlimited supply of abundance.
Thank you for my unlimited supply of miracles.
Thank you for all I have.
Thank you for all my experiences.
Thank you for all I am.
Thank you for the amazing miracles I manifest into my life.
Thank you for the miracle of life.
Thank you for the miracle of me.
Thank you for my joy.
Thank you for my peace.
Thank you for my happiness.
Thank you.