Ultimate Clear Skin Subliminal – Reprogram Your Mind (While You Sleep)

Ultimate Clear Skin Subliminal - Reprogram Your Mind (While You Sleep)
8hrs of the ultimate clear skin subliminal affirmations to help you get the healthy skin you DREAM OF!

Part of the ‘Reprogram Your Mind (While You Sleep)’ series, these subliminal glow up affirmations will enable RADICAL skin healing, giving you exquisite glass skin – free of pimples, dark spots, pimples and blemishes.

To be listened to daily as part of your natural skin care routine, this perfect skin subliminal works by igniting your body’s POWERFUL ability to heal, revitalise and renew – allowing for MASSIVE transformation so that you can have the glowing skin you so deserve.

Ideal for all those who have wondered how to cure acne, how to get glowing skin or how to get clear skin, these subliminal clear skin affirmations will AUTOMATICALLY heal and transform your skin while you sleep. Just listen and let the glass skin subliminal work its magic!

Available in both the ‘You Are’ and ‘I Am’ versions 😉

With love,

Jess ❤️


I love myself.

I am loving myself no matter what.

I am loving myself unconditionally.

I am loving every aspect of my body.

I am loving my skin.

I am enough.

I am lovable just the way I am.

I like myself.

I like who I am.

I am releasing.

I am released of all toxicity from my skin.

I am released of all negative emotion stored in my skin.

I am released of my self judgement.

I am released of all fear and anxiety.

I am released of all patterns of thought and behaviour that do not serve me.

I am released from all that held me back.

I am released and I am free.

I am healed.

I am cleansed.

My skin is cleansed.

My soul is cleansed.

I am returned to my natural state of vibrant health and harmony.

I am returned to my natural state of having beautiful, clear skin.

My skin is beautiful.

My skin is clear.

My skin is glowing.

My skin is radiant.

My skin is exquisite.

My skin is a reflection of my inner world of peace, harmony and balance.

My beautiful skin is a reflection of my beautiful self love.

I truly love myself.

I am loving myself in all ways.

My skin responds to my self love with beauty and radiance.

I am safe.

It is safe for me to love myself.

It is safe for me to let go of the past.

It is safe for me to like who I am.

It is safe for me to have clear skin.

It is safe for me to be beautiful.

It is safe for me to be happy.

I am allowing.

I am allowing my skin to heal.

I am allowing my skin to transform through the power of self love.

I am allowing my skin to be clear.

I am allowing my skin to be beautiful.

I am allowing my skin to be radiant.

I am allowing myself to have what I want.

I am allowing myself to be happy.

I am trusting.

I am trusting in my skin’s ability to heal itself.

I am trusting in the process as my skin heals.

I am trusting the power of self love.

I am trusting in my extraordinary ability to heal.

I am trusting my skin to be clear, beautiful and radiant.

I am trusting that my desires will manifest for me.

I am worthy.

I am worthy of having clear skin.

I am worthy of my beauty.

I am worthy of my good.

I am worthy of my happiness.

I am worthy of my self love.

My skin is healthy.

My skin is gorgeous and glowing.

My skin is flawless.

My skin is happy.

My skin is dazzling.

My skin is calm.

My skin is balanced.

My skin is a reflection of my well being. I therefore take the time to love and nourish myself daily.

I am living peacefully.

I am nourishing my body with healthy foods and beverages.

I am sleeping sufficiently.

I am resting and recharging.

I am spending time in nature.

I am exercising.

I am drinking sufficient water.

I am laughing.

I am doing what makes me happy.

I am balancing myself.

I am being calm.

I am practising self love daily.

I am treating myself with love and kindness.

I am speaking words of love to myself.

I am thinking loving thoughts.

I am accepting myself.

I am loving and accepting all of me.

I am forgiving myself.

I am supporting myself as my skin becomes more and more radiant every day.

I am praising myself.

I am encouraging myself.

I am believing in myself.

I am guided from within to make positive lifestyle choices which support my healthy skin.

I am listening to my intuition and trusting myself.

Every day, I am loving my skin.

Every day, my skin is responding to my love with beauty and radiance.

Every day I am positively validating myself.

Every day I am positively validating my skin.

My skin is fresh and vital.

I am loving and appreciating my skin.

I am taking care of my skin and my skin is taking care of me.

I am nurturing my skin.

I am nourishing my skin.

I am protecting my skin.

I am practising a loving skin care routine.

I am feeding my skin with life-enhancing nutrients.

I am feeding my body with life-enhancing nutrients.

I am giving positive, high vibration energy to my body and skin daily.

I am revitalising my skin daily.

My skin is renewed and full of vitality.

My skin is vibrant and alive.

My skin is sublime.

My skin glows with joy.

My skin shines self love.

I am accepting myself no matter what.

My unconditional self love and self acceptance gives me the gift of true beauty.

I am beaming happiness and love.

My world is a reflection of me.

My world is beautiful and harmonious.

I am beautiful and harmonious.

All is well.

I am blessed.

I am grateful.

Thank you.

Thank you for my healing.

Thank you for my self love.

Thank you for my self acceptance.

Thank you for my well being.

Thank you for my gratitude.

Thank you for my health.

Thank you for my clear skin.

Thank you for my beautiful, radiant skin.

Thank you for my happy, harmonious skin.

Thank you for my happy, harmonious world.

Thank you.


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Hello, I’m Jessica.

I help people to follow their passion and joy. I created this website to inspire people to live the life that they deserve.

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