The 7th in the ‘Reprogram Your Mind (While You Sleep)’ series, this near 8hr track will enable you to find your purpose in life.
I personally believe that when we don’t know our purpose in life, it is because we developed in our childhood huge mental blocks that have clouded, confused and hidden our passion and TRUE SELF from us. Take The 30 Question Passion Quiz to help you start thinking differently about finding your purpose.
This powerful track will DISSOLVE ALL MENTAL BARRIERS that have been limiting you, so that you NOT ONLY discover your purpose, but that you ALSO MANIFEST WEALTH in doing so.
Let me know what happens for you in the video’s comments!
I love you,
Jess ❤️️
I am fully present now.
I am in sync with my true self.
I am a positive being, aware of my potential.
I am becoming more connected to my soul and my life’s purpose is becoming clearer and clearer.
I am listening to my heart and I am discovering my destiny.
I am inspired as I discover my life’s purpose.
I am loving the process of becoming the person I was born to be.
I deserve to be happy.
I deserve to live a full life, deeply fulfilled by the work that I do.
I deserve to express myself and my creativity.
I deserve to feel elated and ‘in the flow’.
I deserve to love the work that I do and to feel excited for my day when I wake up in the morning.
I deserve to be hugely financially prosperous by doing the work that I love to do.
It is safe for me to be happy.
It is safe for me to be me.
It is safe for me to let go and express who I am.
It is safe for me to be in my element and to feel the exhilaration of this.
It is safe for me to be creative and inspired.
It is safe for me to do the work that feels like second-nature, the work that brings me great joy, AND to be hugely financially rewarded for this.
It is safe for me to pursue my dreams.
It is safe for me to make mistakes.
It is safe for me to succeed.
It is safe for me to be incredibly wealthy by doing what I love.
I am accepting my life, lived with passion and purpose now.
My purpose in life is being revealed to me now.
I am aware that I have within me divine intelligence. I am choosing to connect with that intelligence. I am listening to what it tells me about my purpose in life and I am now fully conscious of the message I am given.
I am aware now of my gift to the world and I am ready to share it freely.
I am now certain of my life’s purpose.
I am now fully aware of my life’s calling.
I am aware of the unique, special contribution I am to make to this world.
I am accepting my true passion in life and I am ready to live my joy.
I am aligned with my inner guidance system and I take the steps I need to take in order to fulfil my life’s purpose. I have the courage to do this and I am surprised by how much this transforms my life for the better.
I am trusting the process as I follow my passion.
I am stepping confidently into complete alignment with my soul’s contract here on earth and I feel the omnipotent power of the Universe supporting, guiding and showering blessings on me now.
I am following my own life path with confidence.
I am valuing my ideas and nurturing my creativity.
I am living my joy.
I am shining my unique light in the world.
As I go about fulfilling my life’s work, I am able to hear the voice of my inner wisdom and I listen to the divine guidance I am given.
I am allowing the creative power of the Universe to flow through me.
I am fulfilling my soul’s contract.
I am unlocking the genius within.
I am resourceful in how I go about pursuing my life’s purpose. I see solutions to challenges and I succeed.
I am manifesting miracles.
I am living my dream.
I am loving my work – it fills me with great joy and I know I am doing what I was born to do.
I am loving the freedom I feel in my heart and spirit by doing what I love.
I am living with purpose and direction.
I am living a meaningful, abundant life.
I am celebrating all I accomplish with gratitude and joy.
I am in loving service of others. I know that the more I serve the good of others, the more successful I become.
I do what makes me feel happy, and it creates huge wealth in my life.
I turn my passions into a massive financial success.
I am offering value to the world and I receive great financial prosperity in return.
I am aware that the more value I give to the world, the more money will flow into my life.
I am living fully aware that I deserve to be rich and I accept my fortune now.
I am abundantly joyful in my career AND I am abundant in wealth.
I am my most authentic self AND rich.
I pursue my purpose and rivers of money flow into my life.
I am aware that I can generate tremendous wealth by doing what I love.
I am confident in my ability to create wealth no matter what.
Manifesting wealth is easy and fun.
I am following my passion and I am incredibly successful.
I am using my unique talents and abilities to create massive riches in my life.
I am limitless.
I am shining brightly in the world, and beautiful blessings show up to shine in my life.
I am abundantly happy in my work and seeds of abundance grow big and mighty in all areas of my life.
The life I imagined in my wildest dreams is the life that I now live.
I am seeing myself completely in my element, hugely wealthy, living my life’s purpose now.
I am seeing myself living in alignment with my life’s purpose and hugely wealthy as I get up and start my day.
I am seeing myself living in alignment with my life’s purpose and hugely wealthy as I breathe.
I am seeing myself living in alignment with my life’s purpose and hugely wealthy as I work.
I am seeing myself living in alignment with my life’s purpose and hugely wealthy as I express myself.
I am seeing myself living in alignment with my life’s purpose and hugely wealthy as I liaise with others.
I am seeing myself living in alignment with my life’s purpose and hugely wealthy when I spend time by myself.
I am seeing myself living in alignment with my life’s purpose and hugely wealthy as I speak.
I am seeing myself living in alignment with my life’s purpose and hugely wealthy as I think.
I am seeing myself living in alignment with my life’s purpose and hugely wealthy as I move.
I am seeing myself living in alignment with my life’s purpose and hugely wealthy as I complete my day.
I am grateful.
Thank you.
Thank you for my divine guidance.
Thank you for my unique talents and abilities.
Thank you for my courage.
Thank you for my belief.
Thank you for my resourcefulness.
Thank you for my blessings.
Thank you for my many miracles.
Thank you for my huge success.
Thank you for my massive riches.
Thank you for my service to others.
Thank you for the joy I feel every day.
Thank you for the freedom I feel every day.
Thank you for the fulfillment of my soul’s contract.
Thank you for my life of passion, purpose and prosperity.
Thank you.