Whatever the dialogue, sometimes it feels as though our frustration with others is flooding our life. The videos of hurt or anger or injustice just won’t stop playing over and over again in our minds. It weighs us down and we start to feel weary.
How on earth do we make it stop?
Well, your freedom lies in the gracious art of accepting others.
The Funny Thing About Accepting Others
Your first reaction may be that accepting others is for the benefit of those people who just don’t deserve to get away Scott free! But this is what I want to say to you:-
When you accept others, you set yourself free.
You won’t have those nasty videos playing over and over again in your mind. You won’t feel tired from all the negativity weighing you down. You will feel light and free.
Don’t concern yourself with the other individual and all the retribution that you think they deserve. They have their own journey and their journey is not yours to worry about.
The most important thing here, is you.
Your energy is very precious and it is important to be mindful of how you spend that energy.
The Lightness Of Accepting Others
So, how do you accept others?
Someone presses your button, and you take a moment.
You step back from the picture playing out in your life, and you make space.
You draw a deep breath and as you exhale…
You let it go.
You accept that person, and their state of being at the time, and you let it go.
You literally imagine their words, or action, floating up into the air, and dissolving into nothingness.
You do not take it on board. You let it go.
The art of accepting others does not have to be complicated or hard. You don’t have to get it 100% right the first time or every time you try it. The point is that you have a go, even just a little bit. You begin inviting the art of accepting others into your life.
Realising that you have a choice of letting go of these negative moments in your life empowers you, and you create a beautiful space of acceptance in your life.
The Sacred Space Of Acceptance
I would go so far as to say that, when you create a space of acceptance in your life, you create something sacred.
You create a space in which you and others can breathe.
You can breathe because you are not carrying the heavy burden of negativity around with you. And you can breathe because you begin to accept yourself more.
Others can breathe because you give them the space to make mistakes, as we all do.
Begin to practise the art of accepting others more, and you will literally see this tangible space within your life.
You will notice how freely you breathe.
With all my love,